Click on the images to peruse video shorts and multi-genre playlists featuring original, fiction, visual art, graphic art, and audio art by Colorado Creatives.


Video Shorts & Multi-Genre Playlists


Conundrums, the fall 2023 Multi-genre MashUp featuring creative nonfiction, video shorts, installation art, memoir, poetry, and fiber art by Jeffrey Becker, Lisa Wagner Erickson, Grace Gee, Judith Sara Gelt, Amber Irish, Benjamin Ross Nicholson, and Sara Rockinger.

Unbound, our summer 2023 Multi-Genre Mashup featuring playwriting, poetry and visual art by Cristina A. Bejan and Sky Yarbrough


An Unexpected Guest, spring 2023 Multi-genre MashUp featuring playwriting, visual art, graphic art, and fiction by Peter Pasco, Sara Rockinger, Shane Rodriguez, and John Tiedemann.

Video Short by Sean Michael Cummings, Lisa Wagner Erickson, Rebecca Gorman O’Neill, and Veronica Straight-Lingo. PhD candidates desperate to secure full-time teaching positions at adjunct wages, academic-sounding topics make, and hidden agendas.


A Shiny Quest

Follow a gnome on a quest for the shinest stone.

Emergency Garden

Plans for a community garden hide a rocky relationship just beneath the surface.


2019 - 2023


Colorado-Made Video Plays. WATCH